The Premier Source for Business, Property Search and Community Information in Battle Creek

Cash & Financial Incentives
Financial incentives are a key factor in determining your business location. BCU will guide you through various state and local funding opportunities with favorable rates and negotiable terms to customize an incentive package that will reduce start-up costs and help your company grow competitively without putting a strain on your bottom line.
BCU offers an incentive program designed to attract businesses to Battle Creek with assistance in employee training and support for costs associated with the relocation of machinery, equipment, and personnel to Battle Creek. The funding assistance offered through BCU is subject to the approval of the Board of Directors and is based upon the level of investment and job creation.

Sites & Buildings Search
Let our team assist with finding the perfect location for your company. BCU maintains a database of existing land and buildings available for sale or lease in and around Fort Custer Industrial Park and at the W.K, Kellogg Airport. Sites can range up to 100 acres in size and are readily available for new or expanding manufacturing, office, and research and development companies. Search available land and buildings.

Real Property Tax Abatement Incentives
One way that the City of Battle Creek demonstrates its support for existing and new businesses is by the City's willingness to grant industrial facilities tax abatements. The City offers a PA 198 tax abatement on real property for eligible projects. Learn more about special abatements.

Talent & Workforce Development
Local education and training institutions that customize recruitment, screening, and workforce training to the specifications of your company. Our experience proves that this activity rates among the most important aspects of an expansion or new start-up project. And, we work with many local agencies to continue to develop the workforce for the skill-sets employers need now and in the future. For more information contact Bridgette Jones.

Relocation Support Services
BCU offers relocation support services for individuals considering or planning on relocating to the community. We can provide community information/literature, community orientation assistance/tours, assistance with housing, churches, reviewing schools, recreation, cultural opportunities, relocation incentives and more. For more information download the BC Chambers Relocation Guide or contact Robert Corder.

Foreign-Trade Zone Assistance
Battle Creek has a U.S. Customs Inland Port of Entry and Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) to serve businesses conducting international trade. Our Inland Port is an uncongested port where merchandise can clear Customs in the morning and be on the production floor the same afternoon. BCU can assist your company with establishing FTZ procedures at your manufacturing location. For more information contact Wayne Coleman.

Free Startup Office Space
BCU is committed to making a company's site selection process as efficient and cost-effective as possible. As a part of this commitment, we can provide office and meeting space in our building to establish an initial presence for project planning and management. For more information contact Bridgette Jones.

After Services
Once a company makes the decision to locate in Battle Creek, we believe that is the just the beginning of our relationship with the company. BCU will assign staff to work with the incoming company through the planning, permitting, construction and start-up stages, providing a single point of contact for the company to address any issues which may arise. BCU is dedicated to assisting with the project development before and after operations begin, as well as supporting future expansion in Battle Creek. For more information contact Joseph Sobieralski.
To learn more about how Battle Creek Unlimited can assist you, please contact us today.